There will be no fee to set up a booth and vendors can set up on the Sportsman's Club grounds (in Paint Lick) on a first-come, first-served basis (beg. at 8 a.m.) with a limit of a 20x20 space to allow for as many vendors as possible. Yard sale and flea market items are acceptable, but we'll also have crafts, jewelry, and antiques.
We'll have free activities for children, live music, and opportunities to meet and greet new and old friends.
Inside the Sportsman's Clubhouse, the Friends of Paint Lick will hold a soup-bean lunch (also known as dinner in the country) from 11 a.m. until we run out. Menu includes soup beans, hot dogs, chips, desserts, and drinks.
There will be a Fish Fry from 4-5:30 PM. (For details, see listed on this blog) Events: October 2009: Paint Lick Sportsman's Club's Annual Fish Fry October 10th.
Friends of Paint Lick also will hold a raffle inside the clubhouse; selling tickets until about 3 p.m. at which time we'll hold the drawings outside.
If you have any questions or want to help, please e-mail me, Rita Fox, at: rfox58@windstream.net.
The FOPL phone number is 859-925-2417 (open 10-3 on Tues-Thurs-Fri).
Submitted by Rita Fox, Board member, Friends of Paint Lick, Inc.
For additional information, please see "Count Down to VillageFest '09":http://paintlickfriends.wordpress.com/
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