EXTREME RACING. KMSHA/SMHA official sanctioned event, April 10, 2010, Fuzzy Duck Road, Garrard County KY. For information, call Circle Sid Farms (606) 879-1109.
Photos copied w/ permission of Ben Kleppinger, photographer.
Tammy Boyd guides her horse through an obstacle in the Class 4 Speed Competitive Trail Competition at Saturday's competitive and extreme trail race event on Fuzzy Duck Road in Garrard County. The all-day event hosted by Circle Sid Farms, attracted more than 30 horses in 11 race classes. (Ben Kleppinger Photo) 
Tammy Boyd waits her turn to compete. (Ben Kleppinger Photo)
Mike Osborne guides his horse down an exceptionally steep hill in the Class 4 Speed Competitive Trail Competition at Saturday's competitive and extreme trail race event on Fuzzy Duck Road in Garrard County. (Ben Kleppinger Photo)
Mike Osborne races past a track marker in the Class 4 Speed Competitive Trail Competition. (Ben Kleppinger Photo)