Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Chamber of Commerce Weekly Newsletter: December 9, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Chamber of Commerce Weekly Newsletter: December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
A Victorian Christmas at Hammonds Hall B & B - December 17, 2010
Chamber of Commerce Weekly Newsletter: November 25, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Renaissance Christmas Mystery - December 11, 2010
TEACUP MYSTERIES presents, A Renaissance Christmas Mystery, Spell of the Banshee, Saturday, Dec. 11, 2 p.m., Hammonds Hall B & B, 216 W. Maple, Lancaster. See link for details:
Friday, November 12, 2010
Chamber of Commerce Weekly Newsletter: November 11, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Chamber of Commerce Weekly Newsletter: November 4, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Chamber of Commerce Weekly Newsletter: October 29, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Third Friday - Schedule for 2010
Historical Mural to be painted in Lancaster

Jean Turner, Arts Council
If you would like more information, please contact Jean at Hammonds Hall Bed & Breakfast, 859-792-6632.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Battle of Lancaster - October 8 - 10, 2010
Mini-Potluck & Tour/Danville Dulcimers in Concert - November 19, 2010

Please join us for this month’s Third Friday, An Early Thanksgiving at the Owsley House, November 19th, 7-9 p.m., 656 Stanford Road, Lancaster.
We’re having an open house, live music, a mini-potluck, and tour guides in each room – our tour guides will be dressed in period costume, the house will be decorated with a Thanksgiving theme; food will be served in the family dining room as the Danville Dulcimers play in the adjacent parlor, with their music heard wafting throughout the house – it’s going to be a beautiful evening!
We’re asking those who can, to please bring a plate of finger food to share. And anyone who would like to, we’d love to have you wear a period costume too.
Questions? E-mail: thirdfridaygc@gmail or call 859-792-6704. (Third Friday is a free, monthly community get-together; locations vary. Everyone is invited. Donations are welcomed to help cover costs.)
Pickin' On The Porch - September 17, 2010 - Newspaper review
NINA RIDGE — People who drove past Freda Johnson’s store Friday night on Nina Ridge may have found themselves compelled to stop, drawn by the toe-tapping music.
Johnson and her sons, Ray Johnson and Steve Moore, hosted “Pickin’ on the Porch,” the third Third Friday community get-together.
The event drew about 150 people who came to hear the music, play checkers and cards, visit with friends and eat hamburgers, fries and free popcorn.
Guests came from as far away as
Dan Waters of Payne and Waters served as emcee for a line-up of professional and local performers, who volunteered their talents.
Seven-year-old Alex Miller, accompanying himself on guitar, led off the evening’s
Banjo player Andy Blythe sang some interactive songs and ballads.
Blythe is famous for his participation in the TV show, “HeeHaw,” his many commercial jingles and his folk ballads.
His wife joined him for a few of his songs.
Danny Jordan, on guitar, was joined by his young daughter on fiddle, as they sang and played country favorites.
Throughout the evening, Payne and Waters presented gospel and nostalgic oldies, as well as, some original material by Waters.
Libby, Darrell and Donna Tuggle topped off the musical festivities with hand-clapping Bluegrass music that prompted people to get up and dance. The performance was especially heartwarming, since it was the first time in many years that the Tuggles had taken the stage.
Throughout the evening, many people commented on how much joy they received from neighbors, families and friends coming together to enjoy the pleasures of a simpler time.
Copyright: 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Third Friday - Schedule for 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Danville Dulcimers in Concert
Pickin' On The Porch - September 17, 2010

Local Realtor and popular singer/musician Dan Waters has graciously offered to get musicians together and has a good variety of county, Bluegrass and folk lined up – including numbers by Payne and Waters (Ron Payne and Dan Waters), The Tuggles (Libby, Darrell and Donna), Danny Jordan, Justin Cromer, and Andy Blyth. In addition to music, there will be cards and checkers.
You might want to bring a lawn chair, “just in case” – we have about 50 chairs but no way to tell how many guests we’ll have – plus, many of our chairs are on the inside and the “pickin’ is going to be on the porch”…
This is a FREE event. Many of you know that Freda does serve home-cooked meals Mon - Sat. No meals will be served on this evening. However, you will be able to purchase drinks and light snacks.
DRIVING DIRECTIONS: From center stop light in Lancaster, take 52 east towards Richmond & Interstate 75. Drive 3.3 miles & turn left on 1295, towards Kirksville. Drive 4.4 miles & turn left on 1131. One-half mile down road sign on left says 1131 . DO NOT turn left. Continue driving straight (there will be post to your right that says Nina Ridge Road). Drive 9/10 mile & Nina Ridge Country store will be on your left.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Oldies at the Ford Garage - August 20, 2010

OLDIES AT THE FORD GARAGE – put on your bobby sox and meet us at the Todd & Brummett Barber Shop for root beer floats and jukebox music – some may want to dress in their favorite “oldies costume”, others, want to come “just as they are” – Your dress is your choice, but please join us for the fun and if you haven’t seen Charles’ mini-museum and restored red pickup truck, you are in for a treat.
THIRD FRIDAY started in July with Fresh: The Movie and is a series of community get-togethers the third Friday of each month, from 7-9 pm. Hosted by no organization, started by friends Jean Turner, Maria Turner & Karla Sefcak, with community partnerships varying monthly. Questions? E-mail: or call 859-792-6704.
Friday, June 25, 2010
FRESH: THE MOVIE to be shown in Lancaster
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Andrea Walker to Sing at Party on the Square June 18th
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Campaign lead-in to Party on the Square June 18th
Garrard has anti-litter campaign
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Miss Teen America 2010 to Sing at Party on the Square

Katie Himes, Miss Teen America 2010, will sing at Party on the Square in Lancaster, June 18th. This will be Katie’s second appearance at Party on the Square. Last year, as reigning Miss Kentucky Teen America, she sang for us and we’re so pleased to welcome her back.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Extreme Racing in Garrard County

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Kentucky Wild Horse to play at Party on the Square
Friday, April 2, 2010
KMSHA/SMHA official sanctioned event April 10th

MOUNTAIN HORSE EXTREME RACE & COMPETITIVE TRAIL RIDE: All breeds welcome. Sat., April 10th, 10 A.M., Fuzzy Duck Rd. Follow signs south of Nicholasville, off 27, in Garrard County. 2010 KMSHA/SMHA official sanctioned event. Info: Call Circle Sid Farms (606) 879-1109.
For details, see:
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Farmer's Market on Twitter
Monday, March 29, 2010
AgCredit's WoodSongs Festival Stage coming to Party on the Square

AgCredit's WoodSongs Festival Stage is coming to Party on the Square June 18th, featuring bluegrass & folk musicians from Central Kentucky. All have either played at WoodSongs Home-Town Radio Hour or are in line to. Forty-minute sets start at 7:50 PM & 9:05 PM.
Many of you know the great talent that will be coming as you are familiar with, or have been to tapings of, The WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour, a live-audience, internationally syndicated radio show taped in Lexington & broadcast on over 493 radio stations, XM Satellite Radio, American Forces Radio Network worldwide, Internet streaming, MP3 and MP4 podcasting & shown on PBS-TV stations nationwide.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Miss Kentucky Teen American 2010 Wesley Ware to sing at Party on the Square

Miss Kentucky Teen America 2010 title holders will be our guests at the Party on the Square this year, Friday, June 18th. We'll meet them at 8 PM in front of the courthouse and reigning Queen Wesley Ware will be singing Taylor Swift’s “Hey Stephen”, accompanying herself on guitar. Please join us in giving all of these wonderful young ladies a great big Garrard County welcome!
Party on the Square, Friday, June 18th, 2010, 7-10 PM, Lancaster Town Square
Friday, February 26, 2010
1st Annual Garrard County Party on the Square Art Show

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wajaba's Too Cafe
Wajaba’s Too Café has come to Lancaster and it will have its Grand Opening Saturday, Feb. 13th.
In addition to the home cooked breakfasts, daily plate lunches, salads, sandwiches, desserts, homemade candies, cappuccinos’ and latte’s served daily, specials for the grand opening are $1 meals: Breakfast/ biscuit, gravy & coffee; Lunch/hotdog & drink; Dinner/hamburger & drink. Drawings all day for: steak dinners, gift certificates, fudge, & some surprises. Also, giving out free fudge samples.
Address: 73 South Campbell (Cross street: Richmond St./52E. Landmark for turn: Lancaster Baptist)
Hours: 6 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon.-Sat.
Ph.: 859-792-6543
Monday, January 18, 2010
Calendar of Events: 2010
Learn about strawberries, beekeeping, poultry & eggs, grapes to wine, alpacas, green houses, worm farming, goats, hydroponics & more. No cost.
Presented by G.C. Women in Ag. & G.C. Ext. Service: 859-792-3026 (Call for registration information.) Details at:
Program includes growing tea garden & dev. merchandise using natural, organic ingredients.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Take survey in preparation for Public Diversity Forum
PUBLIC DIVERSITY FORUM hosted by City of Lancaster, Mon., Feb. 8th, 7 PM, Garrard County High School Cafeteria. Diversities include, but are not limited to, minorities, women, farmers, immigrants, the elderly & various religious groups present in our community. The City Council hopes that you will join them in a positive discussion of the forward movement of all of these groups working together & that you will take time to answer the survey posted below. (Survey can be anonymous & the Council welcomes participation from residents of the entire county, not just residents of Lancaster proper.)