Nina Ridge Country Store, remembering its heritage...

Owners Freda Johnson and her son Steve Moore wave from the front porch of their Nina Ridge Country Store, about nine miles northeast of Lancaster. Visit, and you’ll step back into history as you enjoy its warm country atmosphere and down-home country cooking. First built in 1926, Nina Ridge Country Store celebrates our rich Garrard County heritage.

A potbelly stove greets you as you step inside. Collectibles lining the walls and hanging from the ceiling delight the eye. Cooking aromas tantalize your taste buds and if you weren't ready to eat when you stepped inside the door, you now are...

Regulars Richard, Earl and Jerry meet for lunch. Not only does Nina Ridge Country Store serve great home-cooked food but it's a great place to make new friends. You'll often be greeted with a big smile and the invitation, "Please sit down and join us."

Freda is cook, waitress, dishwasher, and cashier. Each day she decides what her special will be, but there's always is a good hamburger or sandwich to order.
Location: 1497 Nina Ridge Road, Lancaster, KY
Phone: 859-792-3074
Hours: Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Driving directions: From center stop light in Lancaster, take 52 east towards Richmond & Interstate 75. Drive 3.3 miles & turn left on 1295, towards Kirksville. Drive 4.4 miles & turn left on 1131. One-half mile down road sign on left says 1131 . DO NOT turn left. Continue driving straight (there will be post to your right that says Nina Ridge Road). Drive .9 mile & Nina Ridge Country store will be on your left.